PBX +503 2528 0380

FAX +503 22634554
USA +305 728 8667

* Data updated in june 2019

Gross Domestic Product (GDP) USD 26.057 Thousands of Millons (2018)
GDP per capita USD 3,511.36. (2018)
GDP growth 2.37%
Inflation 0.53%. (P. I 2019.)
Local currency US Dolar
Labour force 2,814,276 Millons. (P II 2018)


Public debt in terms of GDP 72.82% GDP (P II 2018)

Public Debt

USD 19,240.77 Millons  (P may 2019)
Debt – external USD 8,810.52 Millons (P may 2019)
Exports USD 3,033.9 Millons (P june 2019)
Imports USD 5,975.7 Millons (P june 2019)
Reserves of foreign exchange USD 3,757.00 Millons. (P junio 2019)

Other Relevant Indicators:

Industrial production 3.30% (P april 2019)
Competitiveness Index 52.82 Points (P II 2018)
Ease of Doing Business 85.00 Points (P II 2018)


Banco Central de Reserva de El Salvador

www.tradingeconomics.com Economic indicators of El Salvador

Dirección General de Estadísticas y Censos DYGESTIC

World Bank datos.bancomundial.org